Aria Aperta Projects

This is my “Project Homepage” so I have to use it to refer to the various projects I’m involved in.  It’s a nice word “projects”. It means your busy, committed, moving forward, or engaged in something important or else you wouldn’t call it a project.


Aside from the various music “projects” I’m involved in, this page is dedicated to those projects that are related to my social activist side. RESISTANCE CINEMA takes a prominent place because it is a project that I am most regularly engaged in. Artists For Humanity is a project that was started with dancer Sue Bernhard and is activated as the need arises. Peace Vigils also take up a regular chunk of my time. I believe very strongly in them because they bring the peace argument out directly to the public and allows us to dialogue. They also help keep the spirit of participatory democracy alive. Anyone who knows of any vigils around is free to contact me and I’ll  list them here.


No doubt, given the importance of “projects” and being involved with them, others are on the way. And that’s just one more reason for you to return to this site from time to time and see what’s up. But more important, find yourself a good project and GET INVOLVED!





Mirikitani details

Sunday April 6